إعلان ثابت

الاتحاد الدولي للصحافة العربية يؤكد دعمه الكامل لمصر، قيادةً وجيشًا وشعبًا، في الحفاظ على سيادتها وأمنها واستقرارها

مصر ستظل دائمًا حصن العروبة وركيزة الأمن في المنطقة، بقيادتها الحكيمة وجيشها الباسل وشعبها الأبي.

تحيا مصر، قوية عزيزة أبد الدهر


A statement issued by the Atlantic Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the deterioration of relations between the two neighbors, Russia and Ukraine

Believing in the imperative of peace, security and prosperity for all the peoples of the earth in our nascent kingdom.

The government of the Kingdom of new Atlantis, Wisdomland , represented by its president, Dr. “Mohammed Al-Abadi,” regrets the deterioration of relations between the two neighbors, Russia and Ukraine, and calls on all parties to immediately stop the war, adopt a policy of restraint, and return to the dialogue table in order to avoid more casualties in support of peace and international peace. Together towards humanity and peace.

اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية

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